Case Studies


Senior NED- UK/USA – Mentoring & Confidante – 6 Months

Challenge – Following a board development initiative, a mentor was assigned to shadow the client and observe, comment, and help to identify weak spots in a bid to assist personal development in two new and challenging roles. Seniority often means dealing with challenges alone, so a trusted business partner was key and timely. Chemistry and fit were particularly vital in this case.

Mentoring Process – Following self –awareness analysis, psychometric assessment, and leadership competency-based profiling, it was agreed that his working style was often seen as non-collaborative and sometimes intimidating and not inclusive enough. Having an honest, challenging and completely unbiased sounding board was critical in working through issues and concerns, with coaching techniques being employed to identify and adapt these unhelpful behaviours.

Outcomes – Much improved self-awareness and a release in debilitating tension and stress caused by an often-solitary and difficult senior role, was ameliorated. Seeing the world through different eyes, highlighting areas otherwise dismissed or ignored before, resulted in much improved relationships with lower levels of management and the general public in these high-profile roles. This in turn improved public relations. A side benefit was less personal stress, due to being able to share the burdens with an impartial confidante.


CEO 300m t/o co. UK – Seeking Higher levels of Emotional Intelligence – 6 Months

Challenge – New CEO having difficulties adjusting to culture change and needing to move from command-and-control era to collaborative leader.

Coaching Programme – Conducting a series of interviews with internal & external stakeholders to establish the crux of the challenges facing him and his organisation. Following further self-awareness assessments, training, and development in the 4 pillars of Emotional Intelligence combined with coaching dialogue over a period of 6 months the objective was to change unhelpful old behavioural patterns and heighten his self-awareness. Also, to improve presentation style and executive presence.

Results – Outcome-based coaching resulted in much improved behavioural patterns particularly with board level and client company communications; improved rapport with employees and management of and understanding of his own and others emotions around him leading to better decisions being made.


Executive – Executive Presence – 3 Months

Challenge – Looking for progression to a Partner role, an executive lacking in personal impact and needing to quickly command more respect, authority and gravitas in the workplace worked with a coach to address this confidence- draining situation.

Executive Presence Coaching – This bespoke programme centred around holding up a mirror to the client with feedback on observations from both the coach and her peer group at first impressions and workplace style of communication, presentation, and style of leadership. Reputation management was a critical issue here and building of respect, authority and influence in order to engage a growing role and team important. Following assessments and dialogue work was conducted on the professional image; communication style; non-verbal indicators; clarity of message and confidence.

Outcomes – Improved professional image, presentation style and visibility in the workplace. Confidence to speak out with clarity and focus and a much-improved management style with former self-limiting beliefs erased and confidence restored in order to progress to a more visible and senior role.